
Cambridge University Beyond Profit was founded in May 2010 to provide a forum for the rapidly emerging movement in social and sustainable business. More and more students and young professionals are interested in not only seeking to make money through their career or enterprise but also to have a positive impact on society.

We, therefore, aim to inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs and business leaders. By connecting professionalism and enterprise with ethical incentives we want to encourage talented students to get involved in this rapidly emerging movement in social and sustainable business.

This aim is underpinned by four key beliefs; that profit is part of the solution and not ‘evil’, that business can be a force for good, that social entrepreneurs can drive the future of entrepreneurship and that students can be the driving force in this movement.

Firstly, at Beyond Profit we believe that making profit is not inherently evil, rather that the key to solving many of the world’s issues relies upon finding sustainable solutions that add lasting value.

Secondly, Beyond Profit is a society for those who believe businesses can be used as a force for positive change, taking responsibility for combating social and environmental issues whilst still having enterprise at their cores. With the growth in Corporate Social Responsibility this is become an ever more salient issue in today’s economy.

Thirdly, Beyond Profit is for those who believe in the power of social entrepreneurship. We believe in a new generation of entrepreneurs who are seeking to change the world with big ideas that make money and make a difference.

Fourthly, we believe that today’s students are passionate about having a positive social impact whilst also pursuing personal professional and financial remuneration.