Past events

Beyond Profit* Careers Stream Programme 2012-13

Careers Stream - Lent Event 1
‘Microfinance 3.0: Traditions and Trends for Maximising Financial Inclusion’

When: 6.30pm, Thursday 28th February 2013
Where: King’s College, Munby Room
Who: Dr Phyllis SantaMaria

The Beyond Profit Careers Stream invite you to our upcoming lecture on Microfinance by the inspirational Dr Phyllis SantaMaria.

UK national coordinator for 2005, the UN Year of Microcredit, Dr SantaMaria currently heads Microfinance without Borders (MWB) and Learning without borders (LWB), London-based social enterprises that develop and deliver vocational programmes for sustainable development with partners in the UK, Kenya, Ghana, Guatemala and India. She is also Steering Group member at the UK Microfinance Club and Principal consultant at Experientia.

Having worked for the US Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala, founded the first Mayan women’s weaving group, and taught secondary school in Kenya, she has worked to combine her experience and research in education in the UK, Germany and Kenya with interactive multimedia, microfinance and grassroots education for sustainable development (India, China, Africa, Guatemala, UK).

Come along to the talk to hear her present her vision, experiences and tips for how students can get involved in the realm of microfinance. Handouts will be provided and there will be a Q& A session with the audience afterwards plus informal drinks and nibbles.

For more information, please contact Grishma Shanbhag, our Careers Stream Director at or check out our website at or our Facebook event at!/events/212801148862907/


MICHAELMAS EVENT 1 - ‘The Sky’s the limit’ - A panel discussion on education, innovation and social enterprise


  • Where:Keynes Seminar Room 2 (second floor of Keynes Building) King’s College, Cambridge
  • When: Tuesday 23rd October 2012 19.00
  • Speakers: Simon Graffy: Volunteer Uganda, Ed Phillips: Planting Promise, Geoff Stead: Tribal, Tanya Minsky: Teach First


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela

The panel of speakers consisted of representatives from Volunteer Uganda, Planting Promise, Tribal and Teach First, and together explained how their organisations ensure that education and social enterprise are used in parallel to make a difference in some of the poorest areas of the world, as well as new innovations developed for its delivery. The floor was opened to the floor for questions on the challenges that are faced in this sector and an opportunity to mingle over drinks & nibbles with the speakers, the Beyond Profit Committee and other socially-minded people in Cambridge.

Beyond Profit* Careers Stream Programme 2011-12

EVENT 3 - Microfinance with african refugees in urban areas

  • When: 25th February 2012
  • Who: Andrea Kruchik Krell, founder of Microfy, a non profit organization based in Tel Aviv, Israel.You can read Andrea’s full biography here<>A research paper completed by Andrea on the above topic was recently published online. You can read it here<>In colloboration with the Marshall Society, this event will give you the opportunity to hear about Microfy’s mission to help Refugees & Asylum seekers sustain themselves and become economically independent by developing their own sources of income, and how Microfy achieves this through the provision of business training, consultancy, mentoring & small loans.


  • When: 7th February 2012
  • Who:
  • Aurélie Dumont for Veja Sneakers (the ecological and fair trade footwear and accessories brand, talking from a small social enterprise perspective), Marc Zornes for Mckinsey & Company presenting the corporate perspective and Mark Robinson, CUSU Environmental Officer and providing the student perspective.

In association with the Hub, this event will give you the opportunity to not only hear the thoughts, experiences and policy prescriptions from a broad spectrum of speakers, but also the chance to probe and voice your own questions on the matter of sustainable development. So come along, get involved in the discussion and find out how you can make a difference in the running of our ‘Earth Inc’.

EVENT 1 - “Inequality in Education”

  • When: 17th October 2011
  • Who: Alex Spiers of TeachFirst

A talk on the inequality in the UK educational system, how TeachFirst is addressing this challenge and how models for education can be used for social enterprise.

Beyond Profit* Careers Stream Programme 2010-2011

Event 3 - Microfinance

  • When: Tuesday 8th February 2011
  • Who: Melanie Robinson (head of expansion for mybnk), Mark Cheng, Professor Aniket

A career in the financial sector does not always have to compromise your mission to make positive impact. Microfinance over the last decades has provided credit access to a growing number of the world’s poor, helping to address development issues. Meanwhile the latest crisis in the Indian microfinance sector drives us to question its future. This workshop will draw upon the experience of leading practitioners in the field, explore the debate around microfinance and look into how students with a passion in this area can get involved.

Event 2 - Business and causes

  • When: Monday 15th November 2010
  • Who: Tom Rippin

A workshop for 30 people providing an overview of the challenges facing the next generation of business leaders. The workshop will be led by Tom Rippin founder of the OnPurpose Leadership Programme and ex Mckinsey consultant. Light food and drinks will be provided, with attendees welcome to join us for drinks with the guests afterwards. Register early on our website to avoid disappointment.

Event 1 - Climate Change and Business

  • When: Monday 18th October 2010
  • Who: Nick Pennell

There are only 30 places available on what promises to be a fascinating workshop providing an overview of the growing importance of sustainability in business. Expect to learn about what is happening in sustainability right now. The session will finish with an interactive case study exercise where you will get your own opportunity to create a solution to a real life case. Prizes on offer! Leading the session will be Nick Pennell, a Partner at Booz & Company and Head of the Sustainability Practice.