

If you are interested in getting involved in the Beyond Profit committee, or you have any questions, then email our president, Paula, at

Paula Melendez - President

Paula is a second year Historian at King’s. She is the current President of Beyond Profit and her primary role is to coordinate the overall strategy of the society and cement its continued growth.


Abhishek Kumar - Chairman

Abhishek is in his final year at Emmanuel. He is the Chairman of Beyond Profit.


Ignacio Pérez Hallerbach - Vice President

Ignacio is a PhD student at Darwin where he reads Management Studies. He is the Vice President of Beyond Profit and responsible in particular for networking efforts within and beyond the Cambridge social enterprise community.


Aron Schleider - Think Tank leader

Aron is a finalist studying History with Management at St. Edmund’s College. As the leader for the Beyond Profit Think Tank, he is responsible for organising speaker events and workshops where the wider issue of social enterprise are discussed.

Megan McLaren - Enterprise Stream leader

Megan is in her third year at Girton reading Classics. As the leader of the enterprise stream, she is responsible for contacting social entrepreneurs and putting on interesting events.

Grishma Shanbhag - Careers Stream leader

Grishma is in her third year at St John’s College reading Economics. Grishma is leading the Beyond Profit Careers Stream and is responsible for organising events in our four core career areas: education, international development, microfinance and sustainable development.

Tbd - Business Course leader


Aakash Patel - Marketing Officer

Aakash is in his third year studying geography at Robinson. The Marketing Officer for Beyond Profit thinks of interesting ways to use the website, blog, newsletter and social media and making sure Beyond Profit’s overall message is clear and incisive.

Susannah Robinson - Sponsorship Officer

Susannah graduated last year with a degree in Modern Languages, but her
enthusiasm for Beyond Profit has seen her remain on the team as Head of
Sponsorship. She is responsible for contacting groups and companies who
our society would like to work with.




Tbd. The secretary is responsible for administrative items.