Enterprise Stream

Beyond Profit Enterprise Stream

The Enterprise stream aims to inspire, support and provide a hub for entrepreneurs with causes. A new generation of social entrepreneurs are seeking to make the world a better place with their big ideas.

The Enterprise stream is designed to cater for everyone interested in social entrepreneurship. Whether you are already running an enterprise or just want to find out what exactly social entrepreneurship is we offer plenty of interest.

We offer interesting, informative and interactive speaker events and workshops led by experienced entrepreneurs and enterprise educators.

The Upcoming Event:

Topic: Starting Social Enterprises and Charities and People behind Them

Do you have a great idea that you believe can change the world? You want to know how to start to make it happen and who work behind the scene?
Talk will be given by Dr Shima Barakat from the Center for Enterpreneurial Learning (CfEL), the Judge School of Business following from Feb 18 Enterprise Tuesday,
Time and Date: 8-9PM February 18
Location: After Enterprise Tuesday, Department of Engineering on Trumpington Road, Cambridge
Please rsvp here: https://www.facebook.com/events/227551047430073