Our Friends

Beyond Profit’s friends are the societies, organizations and businesses that promote similar values which align to our mission. We work with our friends in a whole host of different ways whether that be collaborating on events or helping connect start-ups to useful contacts and opportunities. If you’d like to become one of our friends then get in touch!

African Innovation Prize

A business plan competition for students in Rwanda, Kigali. Beyond Profit work’s with AIP to put together the ‘Rwanda Entrepreneurship Week’

Cambridge University Entrepreneurs (CUE)

A business plan competition in Cambridge that offers an award specifically for Social Enterprise ideas. Beyond Profit works with CUE to support the Social Enterprise competition entrants and to promote social entrepreneurship across the university.

Cambridge University Technology and Enterprise Club

The Cambridge University Technology and Enterprise Club`s mission is to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit amongst academics and students. Beyond Profit works with CUTEC to enhance the existing links between technology, entrepreneurialism and social and sustainable business.

The National Consortium of University EntrepreneurS

The National Consortium of University Entrepreneurs is a national organisation that supports and represents university enterprise societies and student entrepreneurs to drive the growth of entrepreneurship across the UK. Beyond Profit works with NACUE to develop social entrepreneurship on a national level. In the new year, we are collaborating to deliver the ‘Social Entrepreneurship Roadshow’ in Cambridge.

Student Hubs

The Cambridge Hub is a student-run network, with over thirty five member groups, that aims to coordinate and raise the profile of charitable, ethical, campaigning and volunteering activities in Cambridge University. As a member group Beyond Profit seeks to promote and collaborate in the area of social enterprise.

The Humanitarian Centre

The Humanitarian Centre aims to maximise the impact Cambridge has on alleviating global poverty and inequality. We do this by bringing together an active community of individuals and organisations engaged in international relief and development work. Beyond Profit works with the Humanitarian Centre to promote its events and channel our members to their offering of resources.

The Student Initiative

The Student Initiative is a university-based development organization. It has introduced the resource of excellent, trained and vetted students to international development.

The Student Initiative adds value to the work of international organizations, social enterprises, universities and other entities and groups by investing in and working through students who use their expertise, time and commitment to advance the cause of international development.


Sansori is inviting aspiring social entrepreneurs to participate in our first year-long program. Designed for 21-29 year olds who want to create a positive social change, the Jam Session integrates the best of the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors and offers the tools needed to start and run a new venture.

Oxbridge Tours

Oxbridge Tours is a Cambridge based social enterprise founded to help students meet the rising cost of higher education by giving walking tours of Oxford and Cambridge. The company works with corporate conference groups, schools and tourists to give an informative, educational and entertaining insight into academic life past and present. Once the model is tested in Oxbridge it will be expanded to cities such as Edinburgh, York, Bath and Bristol under the banner of VarCity Tours


DataGiving (www.datagiving.com) aims to increase engagement with social and environmental causes around the world. The automated web-based application works in real time to translate spending, as reported in the news, into impact of this money if given to different causes instead. The application was developed by a group of scientists from Cambridge University in the summer of 2010, and in it’s original conception (www.ventropy.org) went on to win the TedxCam Open Data Challenge Hackathon.

DataGiving is looking for bright graduate programmer interns, who want to work on real problems that make a difference. If this sounds interesting, you can get in touch with us at sobia@datagiving.com.